This trend will once again be a major focus at IBC, the influential media, entertainment and technology conference and exhibition in Amsterdam in September. Once again, I’ll be running the Content Everywhere Hub at the show. Located at the heart of Hall 14, the Hub theatre is surrounded by 160+ exhibitors involved in all aspects of managing and delivering content using IP-connected systems and devices. Hall 14 is where broadcast and broadband converge.
This year’s free-admission Hub programme includes 10 panel sessions and a further 34 product or service demonstrations.
Panel themes will cover business and operational best practice as well as helping visitors expand their understanding of new and emerging technologies such as 5G, edge computing, blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
For existing over-the-top service providers, panellists will share their experience of managing growth. Another panel will look at tackling the delay between broadcast and OTT delivery – addressing an issue that was highlighted during this summer’s World Cup. We’ll also be looking at how the move to IP has inspired innovation in new approaches to content creation. The latest approaches to “monetisation” and actually making money will also be discussed. Three panels on Monday have been curated to help telcos and other potential new entrants into the direct-to-consumer video services market understand some of their options.
The full agenda can be found here on the IBC website or on the IBC mobile app available for Android or IoS.
If you’re in Amsterdam for IBC, come and say hello.
Check out the breadth of issues and developments that will be covered at the show in the Insight preview from IBC365.